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10 Historic U.S. Elections

As this very memorable and historic election looms nears, it seems to be a time to reflect on America’s past elections that have changed our nation’s history. Here are 10 historic elections from the birth of our nation to modern times: Election of 1789 The very first presidential election in


Fall Back

By act of Congress, civil clocks in most areas of the United States are adjusted ahead one hour in the summer months (known as daylight time) and returned back one hour in the winter months (known as standard time). The dates marking the beginning and end of daylight time have


7 Quotes That Inspire

As a total quote aficionado since I was a young girl, I really believe in the power of words and how they can move us towards more positive perceptions of ourselves and of the world around us. I can recount endless moments of clarity when the words jumped off the


Long Islanders: Presidential Campaign Needs More Focus On Social Security

Long Islanders said the 2016 presidential candidates and campaign need to focus more on Social Security and its future, and they posed questions to experts at an AARP community forum at Hofstra University just days before the university hosted the first presidential debate of the campaign. Hofstra Executive Dean for


Northport VA Honored At US Open

The US Open is a worldwide event with players, fans and media all coming together to celebrate this annual spectacular. Local Long Island friends and families joined together in celebration of the 5th Annual US Open Military Appreciation Day, hosted by the USTA Foundation, to celebrate one very extraordinary similarity


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