100 Years: Measuring The Impact Of American Legion Auxiliary


The American Legion Auxiliary, celebrating its 100th Anniversary on Nov. 10, 2019, through its membership worldwide, impacts many people in a variety of ways. Here are a few measurements of how the American Legion Auxiliary made a difference in just the last year: $3.6 million from Poppies distributed for donations to benefit veterans programs; $1.4 million in scholarships presented 2018-2019; 4 million volunteer hours in serving veterans and military; 7.1 million total volunteer Hours; $1.1 billion value of members’ mission outreach; and 8,000+ local American Legion Auxiliary units.

“Every member who contributed to the aims, purposes, and principles of the American Legion Auxiliary has had a part in making history. We share in the pride of our magnificent record of loyalty to God and country, unselfish service to humanity.”

—National Historian, Dorothy Kellerman, 1947

“The support that Auxiliary members provide every day to American Legion programs on the community and national level is truly amazing.”

—American Legion National Commander, Daniel M. Dellinger (2013-2014)

Source: American Legion Auxiliary Magazine, Nov. 2019

As of August 2019, membership in the American Legion Auxiliary (which up to this time has been an all-female organization) has been extended to include ALL spouses (female or male) of U.S. veterans and service members who are members of the American Legion. This amendment makes the American Legion Auxiliary the largest and most inclusive volunteer organization supporting our veterans, and children and youth. Those interested in joining either the American Legion or American Legion Auxiliary should contact their nearest or any American Legion Post for further information.

—Submitted by American Legion Auxiliary, Nassau County Committee


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